Backlink Analysis

Authoritas recrawls Majestic link data and enhances it to make link data more actionable, so you can turn incredible data into incredible insights.

How SEOs use our
backlink data and tools

All platform accounts have access to an enhanced version of the world’s largest independent database of backlinks.

Track your link profile vs your competitors
Analyse backlink authority and relevance
Re-crawl fresh link data on-demand
Drill-down using advanced filters and signals

Common SEO Use Cases for link data

Using the Link Data section will help you discover:

Which websites link to you and your competitors
The types and quality of those backlinks
Which pages attract the best links
Which links are potentially harmful
New links and lost links
Quality authoritative links to go after

Piggyback off your competitors' backlink campaigns

Add multiple competitors and get a comprehensive view of the sites linking to you and your competitors across your industry.  Use these detailed insights to discover new link partners and fuel your outreach programmes.

Which sites link to 1 or more competitors
Filter for Golden Links, Authoritative and Niche Links
Discover authors/contacts to add to your CRM
Filter by followed/no-followed links

Clean up your
backlink profile

SEO opinion is divided as to whether submitting disavow files to Google is necessary or not.  We give you the tools and data to make an informed decision to cleanse your link profile or not.

Filter by:

Type of site
Top Level Domain
Anchor text
Influence/Relevance score
Title or URL

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We appreciate you are probably already working with one (or more) other SEO technologies.
Discover for yourself what's different about our approach and what this means for you.

Why are backlinks important for SEO?

Search engines assess the quality and profile of backlinks to algorithmically assess the quality and trust of your website.  This data plays a key factor in their decision about which sites should rank and at which position.

How reliable is Authoritas’ backlink data?

We work in partnership with Majestic SEO, the largest independent provider of who links to whom on the web.  We have been working together for over 10 years and believe their combination of fresh link data with our additional crawling, verification, categorisation and analysis gives you an unparalleled link data source.

What does backlink mean?

A backlink (also known as an inbound link) is a link from another website to your website.   Backlinks are important because they are one of the main factors that search engines use to rank websites in their search engine results pages (SERP).

What is a good backlink?

A good backlink is a backlink that comes from a high-quality and reputable website.  A high-quality website is a website that is respected by other websites and has a high Google PageRank.  The SEO industry has developed its own set of metrics to assess the strength and quality of a backlink.  You will often hear terms such as Domain Authority, Page Authority, Trust and Citation Flow (amongst others) - please remember these are industry constructs and not Google’s.

Authoritas uses two metrics to assess backlink quality – Influence and Relevance.

Influence measures the domain’s popularity on the internet by analysing its link profile.

Relevance measures whether the content on the linking page is topically related and therefore relevant to you.

We call backlinks with high Influence and high Relevance scores ‘Golden Links’.

Backlinks with low Influence and high Relevance scores are labelled as ‘Niche Links’.

Backlinks with high Influence and low Relevance scores are labelled as ‘Authority Links’.

Backlinks with low Influence and low Relevance scores are labelled as ‘Toxic Links’.

Every website will have a mix of all 4 types of links.
Clearly, you want more Golden Links to key landing pages than your competitors.  Given a choice, we prefer Niche Links over Authority Links as they are more likely to bring relevant traffic and motivated buyers.

How do I find toxic links?

Links from questionable sources are treated as untrusted by Google and other search engines and pose the risk of a significant reduction in rank.  Simply use any of the advanced filters to check your backlink profile. For example, you may want to find backlinks with a low relevance and low influence score, or backlinks from countries you don’t do business in, or links with irrelevant anchor text.

How can I use backlink data to help my SEO?

Links from questionable sources are treated as untrusted by Google and other search engines and pose the risk of a significant reduction in rank.  Simply use any of the advanced filters to check your backlink profile. For example, you may want to find backlinks with a low relevance and low influence score, or backlinks from countries you don’t do business in, or links with irrelevant anchor text.

Link data can also be a valuable tool for identifying bloggers and writers to reach out to when promoting content during campaigns.  Managing the links to your website is still one of the biggest factors in improving visibility, and you can easily identify influential, relevant and authoritative sources, discover who’s linking to your competitors, and see who in your industry has been publishing the content that attracts the most backlinks. This information can be used to build valuable new links, ultimately driving more traffic to your own sites.

What is a backlink profile?

A backlink profile is a compilation of all of the backlinks that a website has. A website's backlink profile can be used to measure its online authority and popularity.

What does a backlink profile measure?

The backlink profile measures the quantity and quality of backlinks to your website.

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If everyone else is using famous SEO brands such as SEMrush, Ahrefs or Moz then how are you going to gain a competitive advantage?

AI Overvieew rank tracking software screenshot of the SERPs