Yes, the AI produces original content based on your inputs. Even with the same set of inputs, no two outputs are the same.
But, it is not safe (or should we say a good idea) to simply copy and paste AI-generated content into your website without checking it, editing it and adding value to it.
What do we mean by adding-value? Well, the latest AI models are extremely powerful, but they still lack that high-level of in-depth expertise that sector specialist have. Imagine, a builder who’s been working in the trade for 20 years. He/she will have specific expertise, methods and know-how which they use in their day-to-day work.
Many of these systems will be automated, he/she won’t have to think too hard how to do something since they just know. They are unconsciously competent and have ‘trade-secrets’ that have been earned over a long period.
So, what are your ‘trade secrets’? What do you know that will set your content apart from others and provide more value to readers? Sprinkle this on your AI content before publishing.
Our tools are NOT designed to be used for producing spammy content and automated posting. You are strongly advised to always review and edit the content before publishing.