Good news content writers everywhere – your life has just got much easier!
This is just a short note to let you know that today we have released a key update, that many of you had been asking for, to our new AI-powered content assistant tool.
It now supports writing content in multiple languages.
So, if you are in international SEO (or want to be) and from time to time have the challenge of writing content in a language which is not your mother tongue, then hopefully this can save you time.

The tool is not designed to spew out automated spam – the internet has enough of that already!
It is designed to help SEOs, editorial and merchandising teams, content writers and webmasters to generate content ideas, produce content more efficiently at scale and automate the mundane production of meta titles and meta descriptions.
Please note, this does not translate content from English into these languages. It writes the content using the inputs and context you give it in the specified language, based on the vast amount of web data that it has been trained on. (Of course, you can use Google translate to translate the output back to English so you can validate it).
For this beta launch, we’ve got 31 languages for you to try. Bear in mind, that the AI will have far less content to be trained on in some languages which may affect the quality of the output. We cannot promise that we will keep them all – it really depends on your feedback!
Bulgarian: Здравейте (Zdravejte)Croatian: Dobro došli (Dobro došli)Czech: Ahoj (Ahoj)Danish: Hej (Hej)Dutch: Hallo (Hallo)English: Hello (Hello)Estonian: Tere (Tere)Finnish: Hei (Hei)French: Salut (Salut)German: Hallo (Hallo)Greek: Γεια σου (Geia sou)Hungarian: Szia (Szia)Italian: Ciao (Ciao)Irish (Gaelic): Dia dhuit (Dia dhuit)Latvian: Labrīt (Labrīt)Lithuanian: Labas (Labas)Norwegian: Hei (Hei)Polish: Cześć (Cześć)Portuguese: Olá (Olá)Romanian: Bună ziua (Bună ziua)Russian: Здравствуйте (Zdravstvujte)Scots (Gaelic): Fàilte (Fàilte)Serbian: Zdravo (Zdravo)Slovak: Ahoj (Ahoj)Slovenian: Pozdravljeni (Pozdravljeni)Spanish: Hola (Hola)Swedish: Hej (Hej)Turkish: Merhaba (Merhaba)Ukrainian: Привіт (Pryvit)US English: Hello (Hello)Welsh: Helo (Helo)…
Yes, you’ve guessed it, I used the tool to write the above list of supported languages!

How does using AI help content writers become more efficient?
AI can give you inspirational ideas, help you think about all the angles for an article or all the sub-topics on a theme and it can help you become more efficient by suggesting content to guide your writing. This can be especially useful for mundane tasks like writing meta data for hundreds of pages across a site.
A long-standing Authoritas user and experienced SEO pointed out to me this week that writing a meta title and description is usually one of the last things in the process before an article is published. His point was that writers feel fatigued when they have just completed an article and it takes a lot of effort to come up with a succinct and relevant meta title and description for a page. Well, Google has been using AI/ML to re-write your meta descriptions for a while now; so why not use the same kind of technology to automate writing yours?
Hint – our next update to this tool next month is going to try and use AI to re-write meta titles and descriptions that have been flagged by the crawler as missing, short, long or duplicate. Maybe it’ll even re-write meta data on pages with poor CTRs%, so you can see if the AI can improve the click-thru rate.
Please give it a try and give us some feedback in the community.
This blog post was written by a human. Inspired by AI. 😁